Vitamins & Minerals: What does your hair need?

Have trouble growing your hair lately and desperately searching for some help? You might want to reconsider your diet and how it affects your health. We’ve got a list of essential vitamins and minerals that are necessary for healthy hair growth and overall hair structure. Take a seat and grab a pen and paper, cause you’re going to want to make a new grocery list after reading this.

Vitamins & Minerals Your Hair Needs for Strong, Healthy Growth

1. Vitamin A
2. Biotin
3. Zinc
4. Iron
5. Vitamin E

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is necessary for cell growth, not only for your hair but everything in your body. Considering your hair is one of the fastest growing tissues in the human body, it’s no surprise that a sufficientamount of Vitamin A is required for healthy hair growth. Be warned though, an “overdose” of Vitamin A can be dangerous and even lead to hair loss. The key is finding the right balance. Consult a doctor to see where you stand as far as vitamin deficiency goes.

For a natural source of vitamin a, try these foods: carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, apricots, and leafy greens like kale and spinach.


One of the best B-vitamins for your hair is Biotin. Why? It is one of the essential ingredients necessary for the process of healthy hair growth. The keratin in your hair is a type of protein that is made from amino acids, which is a mixture of biotin and enzymes. Although it’s quite challenging to reach low biotin levels, due to its commonality among most food types, there are some cases where we just might be lacking the necessary nutrients for the proper production of keratin.

Foods that are rich in Biotin include liver, egg yolk, salmon, avocados, sweet potatoes, nuts and seeds, and dairy.


Zinc deficiency is one of the most common causes of hair loss, but simple to fix. This mineral is essential for keeping your body strong and healthy and aids tremendously with hair growth issues. With a deficiency, your cells become weak causing the structure of proteins in your hair to break down and weaken as well. You may start to notice unusual or abnormal shedding when experiencing low zinc levels.

Reach for these foods to get an extra dose of Zinc in your diet: Oysters, red meat, poultry, beans, nuts, and whole grains.


Low iron levels restrict the flow of nutrient-rich blood and oxygen to the scalp and hair follicles which causes weak, limited hair growth and hair loss. An iron-rich diet supports healthy hair growth because it allows your body to properly produce the hemoglobin in your blood which carries oxygen for growth and repair.

Add these foods to your grocery list for healthy iron intake: lentils, beans, tofu, cashews, spinach, quinoa, and pumpkin seeds.

 Vitamin E

This natural protectant helps to support a healthy scalp which is crucial for healthy hair growth. It’s a natural antioxidant which reduces oxidative stress, an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in your body, that may lead to the breakdown of hair follicle cells.

These foods contain Vitamin E in them: Sunflower seeds, spinach, broccoli, almonds, peanuts, and avocados.


So, to recap, your hair needs several vitamins and minerals to thrive. We talked about the top five (vitamin a, biotin, iron, zinc, and vitamin e) that you’ll want to consider adding into your diet in one form or another whether it’s through the healthy foods we mentioned or supplements that can be bought at your nearest health food store. As always, consult with your doctor–they will know your situation best. Here’s to endless good hair days!

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